Photo Gallery

Br Prior examining the three candidates
Br Prior presiding at the Conventual Eucharist of the Sisters of the Communiity of St Mary the Virgin in the Convent where we held our Chapter
After the Eucharist, both communities shared some relaxing time together over coffee. From l.t.r., Sr Lizzy Ruth, Br Bernard, Srister in Charge Sr Elizabeth Jane, Br Christian and Br Gilbert

With Sr Valeria, Fr Sam, Br James Martin, Br Joseph, Br Ælred, and Br Clement
The same group plus Sr Lizzy Ruth
Our own Oratory at the Convent
Br Prior leads our Clothing Liturgy
Here we see our new novices kneeling
From l..t.r., Br Clement, Br Simon, and Br Andrew
In the background Br Gilbert wearing his cowl and far right, seated, Br Tom
During the Clothing Liturgy
Here, our new novice, Br Simon is vested with his scapular by our Sub-Prior, Br Bernard
Our newly clothed novices,
f.l.t.r., Br Simon Richardson-Best OC, Br Andrew Fitch OC, and Br Clement Thomas OC
Our novices… At the back, f.l.t.r., Br Simon OC, Br Andrew OC, Br Clement OC, and in the foreground, Br James Martin OC, Br Aidan OC, and Br Tom OC. (Missing because of illness our 7th novice, Br Robert OC
A final photograph before we departed f.l.t.r., a ‘headless’ (!) Br Simon OC, Our 1st Prior, now Sub-Prior & Novice Master Br Bernard OC, Br James Martin OC, Our current Prior Br Christian,OC, Our previous, 2nd Prior Br Gilbert OC, Br Cl;ement OC, Br Andrew OC, Our postulant Fr Sam Cross, and Br Ælred OC

from the left: Br Tom Clammer OC, Br Robert Eloff OC, Postulant Fr Simon Richardson, Br Gilbert Rowntree OC, Our Episcopal Visitor, Bishop Tony Robinson, Enquirer Fr Sam Cross, Br Christian Barratt OC, Postulant Edward Thomas, Br James Martin OC, Postulant James Fitch, and Br Aidan Webb OC (Absent because of illness are Br Bernard OC and Br Ælred Partridge OC)

The Clothing of Br Robert (October n2022)

On Sunday 17 October, Fr Robert Eloff was clothed and admitted as a novice in our Order by our Sub-Prior Br Christian, OC. Our prayers accompany Br Robert on his journey with us.

Usually this Rite would happen behind closed doors in Chapter with just the Community present, but as our Michaelmas Chapter meeting was cancelled, not least because of the death of the Monarch it was decided not to wait until our next Chapter (January 2023) and hold the Service in Br Robert’s parish church after the Parish Eucharist at which Br Christian preached. The rest of the Brethren scurried home from church in time to join in on the live stream! This is a screenshot literally of a TV screen and the link to the Eucharist, the Sermon and the Clothing can still be found here:

The Sermon begins at 38:22mins and the Clothing at 1:29::35mins

Candlemas Chapter (February 2022)

Br Aidan, Br Tom, Br Christian, our Episcopal Visitor +Tony, Br Bernard, Br James Martin

St James’ Chapter, July 2021

Br James Martin, Br Tom, Br Ælred, Br Christian, Br Bernard, and Br Gilbert
Br Christian, Br James Martin, Br Bernard, Br Ælred, and Br Tom
Some of our Brothers walking towards the Convent

Where it all began…

Our First Novitiate 2006-2011

Brs Bernard, Ælred, and Christian, in 2007/8 at Mount St Bernard Trappist Abbey, Leicestershire, during their novitiate

The Temporary Vows of the First Brothers

Below are photographs taken in the Oratory at Mucknell Benedictine Abbey in Worcestershire on Thursday 8th September 2011, on the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when Br Philip (now Br Christian), Br Ronald (now Br Ælred), and Br Geoff (now Br Bernard) made their Temporary Profession before the Rt Revd Stuart Burns OSB. Abbot Stuart received the Vows on behalf of our first Prior (Br Geoff/Bernard) and our Order. The president at the Eucharist was the Rt Revd Mark Sowerby, our first Episcopal Visitor. The preacher was to be the Abbot of Mount Saint Bernard RC Cistercian Abbey in Leicestershire, the Rt Revd Dom Joseph Delargy OCSO, but our date clashed with the General Chapter of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance in Assisi. We were therefore very grateful that the Rt Revd David Walker (now Bishop of Manchester), who was at that time the chairman of the Advisory Council on the Relations of Bishops and Religious Communities in the Church of England, was able to preach at late notice. The RC Cistercian Abbot and the monks of Mount Saint Bernard Abbey was represented by Br Martin Horwath OCSO, who also took part in the ceremony, reading from the Rule of Our Holy Father Saint Benedict (he can be seen standing to the left on the last four photographs).

Br Martin Horwath OCSO, Br Philip OSB, Abbot Stuart Burns OSB, Bishop Mark Sowerby, Br Ælred OC, Br Philip (Christian) OC, Br Geoff (Bernard) OC, and Bishop David Walker

The Solemn Life Vows of the First Brothers

Here follow some of the photographs that were taken in the Crypt Chapel at Lambeth Palace in London on Friday the 26th May 2017 on the Feast of St Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury & the Commemoration of John Calvin Reformer, when our then Prior, Br Bernard, our Sub-Prior Br Christian, and Br Ælred made their Solemn Life Vows in the presence of the Most Revd the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby – who also preached and presided at the Eucharist – and our Episcopal Visitor the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, who received the Vows on behalf of our Order. Abbot Stuart Burns OSB read from the Rule of Our Holy Father Saint Benedict and three Sisters from the Convent of St Mary the Virgin, Wantage (Sr Stella, Sister-in-Charge of CSMV read the Gospel) and a number of invited friends and other guests joined us on the day.